Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Touch of Gothic

A Touch of Gothic.

On November 1st the large print version of my Georgian romance, Daughter of Darkness will be released. I started writing this historical romance right at the beginning of my career. In the space of two years it was a major prizewinner in the Women’s Day/Random House competition for an unpublished manuscript, and then, after publication by Robert Hale UK, in 2002 it won the Australian Romantic Book of the year award for mainstream romance.

Before this book was first published I submitted it to eight different publishers, and I edited out 30,000 surplus words on the advice of my agent, the late, and very wise, Bob Tanner, who subsequently sold it.

I never intended for “Daughter of Darkness” to be a Gothic novel, though there was a paranormal thread running through it. The first review on Amazon suggested it was a bit spooky.

Over the years it’s been published in several versions, starting with the Hale hardcover in 2001. Two years ago I began to revive it. Now it’s been E published by Belgrave House in the USA and there has been a Canadian audio version by Iambik, and a Portuguese language version. It’s back to the UK, this time for the release of the hardcover Large Print by Magna.

Once again I’m back with a touch of Gothic in the striking cover. I just love it. Oh those eyes . . .!    

By the way . . . the paperback and film option rights are still available, but although I haven’t attempted to sell them yet I'm open to offers!

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